
Anne Hathaway And Julie Andrews Are DOWN For A Princess Diaries 3

Anne Hathaway And Julie Andrews Are DOWN For A Princess Diaries 3 At various times over the past few years, Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews have separately stated that they would LOVE to do a third installment of the iconic The Princess Diaries film. With the last movie being shot almost 15 years ago, THIS is what the actresses had to say! #annehathaway #julieandrews #theprincessdiaries3 #princessdiaries #top10 #celebritynews #celebrities #exposed #informoverload #informationoverload #io #celebnews #trendingnews #gossip #entertainment #drama #news ✉️Email | Contact: informoverload@gmail.com IN THIS VIDEO: PRODUCER & FILMED BY: Chris Stiuso VIDEO EDITED BY:

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