Boy With No Legs Lives Life To The Full | BORN DIFFERENT
Mar 17 2020
THIS DARING 10-year-old lives as a double-amputee – but that hasn’t stopped him taking up KARATE and going skateboarding with his friends. Cory Jr. had both of his legs amputated shortly after he was born with a rare condition, called Tibial Hemimelia, where the tibia bone is either small or absent. In Cory’s case, his tibia bones were not fully developed in both legs and he was missing ankle joints. So doctors, along with his mom, Christy, decided amputation was the best course of treatment. Whilst Cory does have prosthetics, he rarely uses them – opting to get around much quicker on his nubs. Despite the inevitable hardship his condition has posed, Cory remains positive and active in life; taking karate classes, skateboarding with friends and even rock climbing.

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