
He's Not With Me For My Money | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

MAUREEN and Rio met in 2006 through an online game. As they got closer, Maureen revealed to Rio that she was disabled. Rio admitted to Truly: "At first I was a bit shocked because I don't know anyone with a disability." Born with a weak motor system, it meant that Maureen was unable to walk and when she turned 10, she was also diagnosed with scoliosis. Maureen explained: "I used to cry. Like, 'Why can't I walk?' But now, I think my body is beautiful!" Doting on his girlfriend, Rio helps Maureen with everyday tasks like cooking and getting ready. Now together for 15 years, the pair receive a lot of judgement as an interabled couple. Messages like, "You know she's just got money" and "This can't be real", often land in the pair's inbox. Today, the couple will be meeting Maureen's brother, Jeff, who revealed that he initially wondered, "Is he [Rio] really in love with my sister?"

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