Here's Why Nick Lachey Needs To Finally Just Give It Up
Mar 08 2020
Back when he was married to pop superstar Jessica Simpson, Nick Lachey was a reality TV star with a solo music career on the way. However, things have changed a lot since then. Here's a helpful list of reminders why the singer sadly isn't that famous anymore.

Nick Lachey and wife Jessica Simpson were the Barbie and Ken of the late '90s pop music scene, with a mutual popularity that only grew thanks to their reality TV series Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica.

Simpson famously didn't know the difference between chicken and tuna...

...and Lachey was desperately trying to launch a solo career, but despite their fumbles, fans thought the crooning couple was destined to last forever. Nonetheless, just three brief years after tying the knot, Lachey and Simpson called it quits in 2005.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. According to The Washington Post, Simpson was the more financially successful of the pair at the time of their split, and not by just a little. The difference was huge: She was worth about $35 million, and thanks to Lachey's lack of solo success, his fortune was apparently just $5 million when they broke up. And according to Simpson, her divorce from Lachey cost her a lot.

Of course, Simpson has since created a billion-dollar retail business and is said to have a personal net worth of around $200 million. Lachey hasn't achieved quite that level of success just yet. However, Lachey found happiness when he got married in July 2011 to wife Vanessa Lachey.

Watch the video to see Here's Why Nick Lachey Needs To Finally Just Give It Up!

#NickLachey #JessicaSimpson #LoveIsBlind

Divorcing Jessica Simpson | 0:16

His solo career fizzled | 1:33

A total nostalgia act | 2:36

A dancing failure | 3:41

TV host dropout | 4:22

Children's TV? | 5:22

Goodbye, acting | 6:29

Die-hard fans | 7:25

Daddy Nick | 8:16

Time for a comeback? | 9:33

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