
I've Gotta Shed This Weight - Is Boxing The Answer? | RAHKI'S WORLD

AFTER weeks away dedicating her time to working on her body, Rahki is back and feeling better than ever. She’s been pushing herself and starting to see the results she wants, but will the scales reveal the truth of her progress? Ahead of her first trip to the bathroom scales in weeks, Rahki told Truly: “I’m terrified of getting on the scales, because I don’t want to be discouraged.” It’s been difficult to get this far in her fitness journey, and Rahki admits her workout routine is starting to feel very monotonous. She continued: “Pushing myself is way harder than I thought. I can tell myself to do it, I can tell myself to do anything, but getting up and doing it is a different story.” Rahki reckons it’s time to try something brand new, and turns her attention to boxing. Having never stepped into a ring before, Rahki enlists the help of boxing champ and trainer Jhon Matos, who will put her through her paces with a tailored workout... But will she manage to complete all the intense trials Jhon has planned?

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