Billie Eilish BANNED From Instagram?! | Hollywire

Billie Eilish just lost a bunch of fans by posting a shot of her BOOBS on Instagram. Billie just took part in the viral Instagram challenge “post a picture of”, where followers tell you what they want to see photos of on your Instagram story. One fan asked Billie to share a shot of her lock screen - which happened to be a painting of two nude women. Then another fan asked her to share a drawing that she’s really proud of, and she showed a picture of her sketchbook which included pencil sketches of boobs, a butt, and a lot of naked women sketches including a naked woman’s body wrapped in a giant snake. She added the text to the follower asking her to post a picture of a drawing she’s really proud of somewhat explaining her work by saying “these probably lol I love boobs.” Billie is one of the most-followed people on instagram -- but once she posted these nude images -- she started losing followers immediately. Yikes!! 24/7 Celebrity News WATCH HOLLYWIRE ON SAMSUNG TV About Hollywire: Welcome to Hollywire's official YouTube channel! Hollywire is your 24/7 Celebrity News on SAMSUNG TV PLUS! We are Hollywood’s most popular celebrity interviews and trendiest source for lifestyle entertainment! Hollywire Chapters for this Billie Eilish news video! Intro: 00:00 Banned!?: 00:13 Outro: 3:08

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