Sway House ANNOUNCES They're OFFICIALLY Over! | Hollywire

Feb 09 2021
It looks like the Sway House is OFFICIALLY over! We recently reported on the speculation that the collective, Sway House, might be splitting up. Just a year ago, the Sway House launched becoming one of the most popular TikTok houses next to their rivals, the Hype House. Sway House members like Bryce Hall, Josh Richards, Blake Gray, Jaden Hossler, Griffin Johnson, Quinton Griggs Anthony Reeves, Kio Cyr, and later Noah Beck blew up on TikTok and took over the internet. But now they’ve all became stars on their own which might explain why the collective has dissolved. #SwayLa #SwayHouse #BryceHal #NoahBeck #TikTok

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