Mads Lewis Didn’t Remove Her Matching Jaden Hossler Tattoo?! | Hollywire

May 13 2021
Mads Lewis didn’t remove her matching Jaden Hossler tattoo?! Mads Lewis just posted a series of selfies with the caption [angel emoji]. In these six shots, Mads makes various faces at the camera while wearing a corset-like peasant top, her extensions in big beachy waves, and showing off her spring nail art by holding her left chest. In the very first shot of this series, Mads left hand is held up, and we can clearly see her “left side” tattoo on the top of her left hand. Mads got this tattoo with her now ex Jaden Hossler, who has a matching one on his right that says --you guessed it “right side.” since their split, Jaden is now dating Mads frienemy Nessa Barrett and got two matching tattoos with Nessa in just their month of publicly dating -- the number three and an angel. So did Mads caption this photo with angel emoji to show Nessa she can get Jaden back if she wants to? #MadsLewis #JadenHossler ⭐

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