Tinder Encounter: Unusual Request Ignites My Heart
Feb 03 2024

Online dating can often feel like a lawless frontier, with unexpected surprises at every turn. One adult star, Liz Jordan, recently shared her experience of encountering the strangest kinky request she has ever received. While appearing on the Plug Talk podcast, the 22-year-old from California chose not to disclose any names but did provide some insight into the mysterious individual.

According to Liz, the man initially claimed to be sexually dominant, but his true desires turned out to be far more peculiar and unconventional. Although the specifics of his request were not revealed, it left Liz taken aback and serves as a testament to the unpredictable nature of online dating encounters.

Liz shared her experience, stating that when she matched with him, he expressed a strong interest in domination. However, their first meeting took an unexpected turn. Meeting at a questionable motel in Oakland, he immediately instructed her to undress and proceeded to handcuff her and throw her onto the bed.

From there, the situation became even more peculiar. The individual expressed a desire for Liz to degrade him, sending her photos of himself with a large sex toy and even wearing little girls' clothing.

What made this encounter particularly unusual was his request regarding the pictures. He asked Liz to hang them around her town, labeling him as a pervert, and even encouraged her to call the police on him.

Liz was not pleased with the proposition she received. She stated, "I declined, but he persisted, saying 'I'll pay you... please... don't you want to go to jail.' He was in the military, so I don't know if that influenced his behavior."

Despite her reservations, Liz, who was 18 at the time, accepted the man's money and proceeded to display a few compromising pictures around her hometown. "But I didn't report it to the police or anything," she emphasized. "I was nervous while hanging the photos."

Liz no longer engages in meeting strangers at questionable motels. "Once I entered the industry, I stopped using Tinder," she revealed to podcast hosts Adam22 and Lena the Plug. "I have to exercise more caution now."

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