A former OnlyFans performer, who admits to becoming "addicted" to the easy money, reveals that she faces rejection from people due to her involvement in adult work. Brittany Adeline, in an interview with the Soft White Underbelly blog, shares that her mother played a role in sexualizing her from a young age, which eventually led her to run away from home.

Reflecting on her past, Brittany discloses, "Even as a child, my mother would showcase me to her older male friends, proudly exclaiming, 'Look at how beautiful and sexy my daughter is.' So, I have been objectified since a very young age by my own mother."

She left her home in Panama and relocated to the US, leaving everything behind. However, she soon discovered that making ends meet was a challenge, and at the age of 17, she found herself working in a bar similar to "Hooters."

"One day, with my last $5, I walked into the bar and asked if I could work there," she recalls. "They immediately told me to go change and start right away."

But her life took a drastic turn when a photo of her was posted online. "Suddenly, my Instagram was flooded with thousands of requests," Brittany explains. "Someone had shared my picture, and it quickly went viral. Since I had just turned 18 and OnlyFans was gaining popularity, I decided to create an account."

This decision would ultimately change her life.

At the age of 22, Brittany reflects on her past experiences in the adult content industry, describing them as life-changing. She admits to being initially enticed by the allure of fast money, earning $220,000 in her first month alone. However, this newfound wealth led her down a destructive path, as she became addicted to the fast-paced lifestyle and the money it brought. As time went on, she engaged in increasingly explicit content, starting with lingerie and progressing to more extreme acts. Looking back, she deeply regrets her choices.

Despite leaving the adult content industry, Brittany continues to face the consequences of her past actions. The racy pictures she posted during her younger years still circulate on the internet, causing her ongoing distress and negatively impacting her life.

"When I attended college, everyone knew," Brittany explained. "Even to this day, no matter where I go, people always find out, no matter what. There isn't a single person I meet who doesn't somehow discover it. Initially, they are cool and we become friends, but as soon as they find out, everything changes."

Brittany reveals that the pictures are scattered all over the internet, making it impossible to have them all removed. She adds, "It's unbelievable that something I did when I was so foolish, naive, and young at the age of 18, still haunts me. I was desperate and had no means to support myself, and I desperately wanted to pay for college. Now, it will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life, as if I am forever trapped with that mistake."

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