Reality Star Credits Sexy Pics for Saving Her Life Amidst Allegations of Inappropriate Conduct
Feb 08 2024

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville has revealed that posting nude images online helped her cope after being accused of sexually harassing a co-star. The 51-year-old former model has faced criticism following a lawsuit filed by fellow Real Housewives star Caroline Manzo.

Although Manzo is not suing Glanville directly, she is taking legal action against Bravo and Peacock, the channel and streaming service where the show's spin-off Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip (RHUGT) aired.

Despite the allegations, Glanville found solace in selling racy photos of herself on adult content site OnlyFans. She discussed her decision to join the platform on her Unfiltered podcast, stating that it provided her with much-needed income and helped her embrace her sexuality at the age of 51.

Caroline has filed a lawsuit stating that on January 24, 2023, Brandi was under the influence of alcohol and engaged in persistent groping and kissing while they were filming for RHUGT.

The lawsuit also alleges that Glanville followed Caroline into the restroom after the initial incident. According to court documents, the TV star is accused of groping Caroline, pressing against her, and even "massaging" her chest despite her objections.

According to legal documents, Glanville allegedly sent a text message apologizing to Caroline the following day, stating: "I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable."

The lawsuit also claims that the television network prioritizes filming over safety. The lawsuit states: "Despite Manzo's emotional distress and her request to avoid being around Granville, Defendants still insisted on arranging a meeting between Manzo and Granville."

"The defendants prioritized the show's continuity over Manzo's health and well-being following her experience of sexual abuse."

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