Danny Masterson granted more freedom after transfer from Charles Manson prison
Feb 23 2024

Former That '70s Show actor Danny Masterson, who was convicted of rape and sentenced to 30 years in prison last year, has been transferred from the same prison where infamous cult leader Charles Manson once served time. Masterson, 47, was found guilty of raping two women in 2003, with a third rape charge resulting in a mistrial. Despite his denial of the charges, Masterson will not be eligible for parole until 2042.

Manson had also been housed at Corcoran State Prison in California, where Masterson was previously held.

Charles spent his final years in a high-security jail before passing away in the fall of 2017. This prison was known for housing some of the most dangerous criminals in the state and beyond.

However, Masterson is now living in the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo. He was transferred there recently, and this prison is known to offer slightly more freedom to its inmates compared to the stricter conditions of Corcoran State Prison.

According to Deadline, the former actor was transferred to a new facility due to concerns about his well-being. This is not the first time Danny has been moved since beginning his sentence in December.

He was initially held at North Kern State Prison in Los Angeles before being transferred to Corcoran State on January 29, and now he is at his current location.

The Men's Colony, with its medium-security setup, allows Danny to explore new opportunities while serving his sentence. The facility offers programs such as cognitive behavioral therapy and academic education to help inmates re-educate themselves and prepare for life outside of prison.

Currently, the Men's Colony accommodates 3,400 prisoners from California and focuses on rehabilitating them during their time behind bars. Despite efforts to provide support and resources, there have been reports of contraband like phones and drugs being smuggled in by cellmates, taking advantage of the prison's seemingly low walls.

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