Wendy Williams, 59, diagnosed with dementia, mirroring Bruce Willis
Feb 23 2024

TV host Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with the same tragic condition as Bruce Willis.

The 59-year-old talk show host's care team announced her new diagnosis on Thursday (February 22) in a press release. They revealed that she has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia.

Aphasia is a condition that affects communication and language, while FTD is a disorder that impacts behavior and cognitive functions. Last year, Hollywood actor Bruce Willis confirmed that he was also diagnosed with the same kind of dementia.

The press release stated: "Over the past few years, questions have been raised about Wendy's ability to process information, and many have speculated about her condition, particularly when she began to lose words, act erratically at times, and have difficulty understanding financial transactions."

The decision to disclose this information was not taken lightly, but was made with the intention of promoting empathy and awareness for Wendy's condition, as well as shedding light on aphasia and frontotemporal dementia to support others in similar situations.

It is unfortunate that many individuals with these conditions experience stigma and misconceptions, especially when they start showing behavioral changes before receiving a diagnosis.

Wendy Williams recently revealed her dementia diagnosis, just before the release of her two-part documentary "Where Is Wendy Williams?". The documentary delves into her struggles with Graves' Disease and other aspects of her life.

In spring 2022, Bruce Willis was diagnosed with aphasia, which was later linked to a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia. This form of dementia can impact a person's behavior and personality.

His family issued a statement regarding his condition, expressing gratitude for the joy Bruce has brought to their lives and the care he has received in return.

Director Glenn Gordon Caron also spoke about his friend Bruce, assuring fans that despite his health challenges, he is still the same person they know and love. Caron mentioned that Bruce is no longer as verbal as he used to be and has lost some language skills, but he remains the same at his core.

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