David De Gea's Potential Career Shift Sparks Interest in Alternative Revenue Streams
Apr 09 2024

Former Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea has been at the center of attention after reports surfaced suggesting he could explore a new career path in adult content creation following his exit from the club.

Since leaving Old Trafford in 2023, the 33-year-old goalkeeper has yet to secure a new club, leading to speculation about alternative revenue streams beyond the football field.

It has been estimated that De Gea could potentially earn up to £2.1 million per month through subscription-based content creation, a trend that has been increasingly popular among sports personalities seeking additional income.

The Spanish goalkeeper's potential earnings from this venture could surpass £24 million annually, exceeding his previous salary during his peak years in the Premier League.

Despite the lucrative opportunity, De Gea seemed to respond with a hint of humor when he shared the report on his Instagram story, indicating he might be considering his options with a touch of self-deprecation.

During his time at Manchester United, De Gea was one of the highest-paid players, earning a staggering £375,000 per week in his final seasons. However, a decline in performance led to questions about his value to the club.

Several athletes have successfully transitioned into alternative revenue streams outside of their respective sports, with notable examples including boxer Ebanie Bridges, former UFC fighter Paige VanZant, and ex-professional driver Renee Gracie.

With his high profile and extensive experience, De Gea has the potential to surpass the earnings of these athletes in the realm of content creation, showcasing a different side of himself to the public in a surprising career move.

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