Michelle Lally Addresses Controversy Surrounding Florida's "Don't Say Gay" Bill
May 07 2024

Michelle Lally, known for her role in "The Valley," has spoken out to clarify her position on Florida's controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill. In a recent interview on the "Virtual Reali-Tea" podcast, Lally emphasized that she is not homophobic despite rumors suggesting otherwise.

Lally explained that she does not follow politics closely and therefore does not have a strong opinion on the bill. She expressed that she does not support any discriminatory measures and firmly stated, "I am not homophobic in any way."

During a recent episode of "The Valley," Lally's castmate Janet Caperna revealed that Lally had made comments that seemed to align with Governor Ron DeSantis' stance on the issue. However, Lally's statements were taken out of context, leading to misunderstandings.

Caperna shared her concerns with another castmate, Jasmine Goode, who is openly bisexual. Together, they discussed the situation and decided to address it as a potential "teachable moment" for Lally.

Despite the initial confusion, Lally clarified that the conversation in question was misinterpreted and blown out of proportion. She expressed disappointment in how the situation was handled and emphasized that she is not racist or homophobic.

Lally highlighted her support for the LGBTQIA+ community, mentioning that her best friend, who is gay, officiated her wedding to Jesse Lally. She emphasized her acceptance and embrace of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

As "The Valley" continues to air on Bravo, Lally hopes to move past the controversy and focus on her advocacy for inclusivity and acceptance. She remains committed to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and standing against discrimination in all forms.

Stay tuned for more updates on Michelle Lally and the ongoing discussions surrounding the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

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