King Charles throws party for working royals during Prince Harry's Invictus Games service
May 09 2024

King Charles III hosted a mandatory party for working royals, including Princess Anne and Prince Edward, at Buckingham Palace during Prince Harry's Invictus Games service. The event, attended by 5,000 people, took place on the great lawn of the palace in London.

Prince Harry, who arrived solo at his event at St. Paul's Cathedral, did extend an invitation to his estranged brother, Prince William, and sister-in-law, Kate Middleton. However, they did not attend the ceremony.

Notable guest Damian Lewis recited William Ernest Henley's poem "Invictus" at Harry's event, which is named after the prince's organization.

A former courtier revealed that King Charles is willing to support Harry in his private capacity but has chosen not to endorse Invictus Games as an institution. Many believe that the royal family's absence from Harry's event is a missed opportunity to support a charity that works with wounded servicemen and women.

Despite their ongoing issues, Harry and Charles did not meet during Harry's return to London, with the reigning monarch citing a busy schedule as the reason for not meeting his youngest son.

Harry and Charles have been estranged since Harry's resignation from royal duties in 2020. While Harry remains dedicated to helping injured veterans, Meghan Markle recently launched her own lifestyle company, American Riviera Orchard.

Representatives for the Sussexes did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

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