Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Overcoming Anxiety and Mental Health Struggles
May 09 2024

Kendall Jenner has been candid about her struggles with anxiety and mental health in a recent interview.

Reflecting on her early modeling days, the reality star recalled experiencing anxiety-induced 'meltdowns on planes' that would come out of nowhere, causing symptoms like palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

Jenner shared that she would call her mom, Kris Jenner, in a panic, feeling the need to stop the plane or turn it around.

Opening up about her past struggles, Kendall revealed that she had to skip runways in Europe and New York City in 2018 due to feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of a mental breakdown.

In a more recent interview, Kendall disclosed that she has been dealing with anxiety since childhood, often feeling like she was dying and needing urgent medical attention.

Despite her fears for the future, Kendall shared that she has made progress in managing her mental health, with techniques like deep breathing, meditation, journaling, and therapy playing a crucial role in her journey.

Kendall also revealed that her sister Khloé Kardashian advised her to avoid reading negative comments on social media to protect her mental well-being.

By focusing on self-care and taking proactive steps to improve her mental health, Kendall is determined to overcome her struggles and continue to grow personally and professionally.

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