Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Nigeria Trip: Insights into Lilibet's Personality
May 10 2024

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry recently embarked on a trip to Nigeria, where they shared heartwarming insights into their children's personalities.

During a visit to Lightway Academy, the Duchess of Sussex revealed that their 2-year-old daughter, Princess Lilibet, loves dance class the most because of "all the jumping around."

Markle also shared a touching moment she had with Lilibet, where the toddler remarked, "Mama, I see me in you," reflecting on their bond.

The royal couple also mentioned their son, 5-year-old Prince Archie, who has a keen interest in construction.

While in Nigeria, Harry and Meghan left their children at home in California, where the family of four resides in Montecito.

The trip to Africa follows Harry's solo visit to London, where he reportedly faced challenges with his father, King Charles III, and brother, Prince William.

Harry and Meghan have been vocal about their strained relationship with the royal family since stepping back from their duties in 2020 and officially resigning in 2021.

Despite the challenges, the couple continues to focus on their family and raising their children in a loving environment.

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