Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Archewell Foundation Faces Setback
May 14 2024

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's charity foundation, Archewell, has hit a roadblock as it has been deemed delinquent by the California Attorney General. The couple has failed to keep up with the official registration fees for their foundation, leading to restrictions on raising or spending money.

The official letter from California's attorney general, Rob Bonta, states that Archewell has been listed as "delinquent" for not submitting its annual report and registration fees. This status prevents the foundation from engaging in activities that require registration, such as soliciting or disbursing charitable funds.

Archewell is now required to provide records explaining the late payment and pay late fees to rectify the situation. Despite initial challenges, the foundation is working towards resolving the issue.

Established after the couple's move to the US in 2020, Archewell encompasses both nonprofit charitable endeavors and for-profit business divisions focused on media production. The recent setback comes amidst the couple's efforts to expand their philanthropic reach.

While facing hurdles with Archewell, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have announced an expansion of their partnership with the GEANCO Foundation in Abuja. This collaboration aims to provide mental health resources and training for young men and women in Nigeria, in addition to existing initiatives supporting girls and young women.

Despite challenges, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their philanthropic efforts, seeking to make a positive impact on communities in need. As they navigate through obstacles, their dedication to serving others shines through, showcasing their ongoing commitment to making a difference.

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