Sophie Turner Defends Parenting Choices Amid Divorce Drama
May 15 2024

Sophie Turner, known for her role in "Game of Thrones," is setting the record straight amidst rumors about her parenting amidst her divorce from Joe Jonas. The actress recently spoke out in an interview with British Vogue, denying claims that she had neglected her daughters, Willa and Delphine, to party.

Turner expressed how challenging it was for her when false reports started circulating while she was filming in Europe, unable to be with her children. She emphasized that she takes her role as a mother seriously and experiences real "mum guilt" over every decision she makes.

Following their split, Turner and Jonas reached an amicable custody agreement in October 2023. However, Turner recently filed to reactivate their divorce proceedings after struggles with settling child custody and property matters. Despite the challenges, Turner remains focused on co-parenting and ensuring the well-being of her children.

Reflecting on her journey to motherhood, Turner shared how her perspective shifted when she discovered she was pregnant with her first child. She described the moment as transformative, leading her to embrace motherhood wholeheartedly. Turner and Jonas welcomed their daughters, Willa and Delphine, in 2020 and 2022, respectively.

Turner also revealed that the decision to have a second child was intentional, wanting her daughters to have each other's company amidst their busy lifestyles. She described her daughters as "miracles" and sources of joy in her life.

As Turner navigates the complexities of divorce and co-parenting, she remains steadfast in her commitment to being a loving and dedicated mother to her children. Despite the challenges she faces, Turner's priority is ensuring the well-being and happiness of her daughters.

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