Leah McSweeney Opens Up About Lyme Disease Diagnosis
May 17 2024

Leah McSweeney, known for her time on "Real Housewives of New York City," recently took to social media to reveal her diagnosis of Lyme disease. The 41-year-old shared a screenshot of her test results on her Instagram Story, expressing her shock at the news.

Seeking support from her followers, McSweeney asked for success stories of healing from Lyme disease. She clarified that it was a new infection, not a chronic condition, indicating that she likely recently contracted the illness from a tick bite.

Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted through tick bites, can lead to symptoms such as fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash. If left untreated, the infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. While antibiotic treatment is effective for many, some individuals may experience prolonged symptoms post-treatment.

McSweeney's journey with Lyme disease comes amidst other challenges in her life. The former Bravo star, who is sober, recently made headlines for filing a lawsuit against the network and executive producer Andy Cohen. Alleging exploitation of her alcohol issues for ratings, she accused Cohen of offering cocaine to certain talent for professional favors.

Despite denials from Cohen and a network spokesperson stating that claims against him were unsubstantiated, McSweeney's legal team remains steadfast in their pursuit of justice. They question the validity of the investigation conducted by NBCU and look forward to reviewing all evidence during the discovery phase of the lawsuit.

As McSweeney navigates her health journey and legal battles, she continues to share her experiences with her followers, seeking support and healing along the way.

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