Amber Rose Faces Backlash for Endorsing Donald Trump for 2024 Election
May 21 2024

Amber Rose is facing backlash from fans after endorsing Donald Trump for the 2024 election, a surprising move considering her previous advocacy for social justice issues. The model, known for hosting SlutWalks in support of women and LGBTQIA+ rights, posted a photo on Instagram posing next to the former President and his wife, Melania Trump.

The endorsement sparked a wave of criticism from fans, with many expressing disappointment in Rose's decision to support a candidate whose policies do not align with the values she has previously championed. Some fans pointed out the contradiction in Rose's support for women's rights while endorsing a candidate who has not been a proponent of such causes.

While there were some supporters who backed Rose's endorsement of Trump, the majority of comments expressed disappointment and disbelief at her political stance. Many fans highlighted the stark difference between Rose's previous activism and her current support for Trump.

Rose's shift in political stance has surprised many, especially considering her previous statements about Trump. In 2016, she expressed her intention to leave the country if he were to become President, highlighting the drastic change in her views over the years.

Her past involvement in hosting SlutWalks, which focused on issues like gender equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, and female empowerment, further emphasizes the disconnect between her previous activism and her current endorsement of Trump. The Instagram page for the SlutWalk, which has been inactive since 2018, previously encouraged followers to vote for leaders who would bring about positive change.

As fans continue to express their disappointment and confusion over Rose's endorsement of Trump, the model's political stance remains a topic of debate. The contrast between her past activism and current support for a candidate with differing views raises questions about the authenticity of her advocacy and the impact of her endorsement on her fan base.

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