A lip reader deciphers Kelly Rowland's heated exchange with a security guard, shedding light on the tense moment.
May 23 2024

A recent incident at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival involving Kelly Rowland and a security guard has sparked headlines, with a lip reader revealing the details of their heated exchange on the red carpet.

The altercation began innocently enough when the security guard accidentally stepped on Rowland's dress, prompting the singer to initially respond with a calm "Don't worry." However, tensions quickly escalated as Rowland admonished the guard, saying, "Don't talk to me like that. You're not my mother. I told you not to talk to me like that," according to expert Jeremy Freeman.

Despite the unclear trigger for Rowland's outburst, the situation intensified as she continued to express her displeasure, even after reaching the premiere entrance. "You still don't talk to me like that," she reportedly yelled, highlighting the intensity of the moment.

Sources suggest that the confrontation stemmed from the guards' perceived aggressiveness towards celebrities navigating the crowded red carpet. Rowland, known for her poise and grace, reached a breaking point when one guard allegedly scolded her for interacting with fans and the paparazzi.

While Rowland's representative did not respond to requests for comment, this incident follows a previous headline-making moment when the singer walked off the set of the "Today" show due to dressing room issues earlier this year.

Despite these recent controversies, Rowland's publicist has emphasized her client's kind nature and amiable personality, countering any negative portrayals that may arise from these incidents.

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