Nicki Minaj's Apology to Fans After Amsterdam Arrest
May 26 2024

Nicki Minaj expressed her heartfelt apologies to fans gathered outside her hotel in Manchester after being arrested in Amsterdam, causing her to postpone a show on her "Pink Friday 2" tour.

The rapper, dressed in pink from head to toe, addressed her fans, known as Barbz, in a video posted online, saying, "I love you and I’m sorry this happened tonight."

Minaj, who was set to perform at Manchester’s Co-op Live Arena, had to delay the concert due to her arrest in Amsterdam on suspicion of alleged drug possession.

In a series of tweets, Minaj thanked her supporters for their prayers and assured them that she has video evidence of the incident. She stated, "I’ll have the lawyers & GOD take it from here tho. Please please please accept my deepest & most sincere apologies."

Despite the setback, Minaj invited fans to her hotel in Manchester, sharing her location and expressing her desire to connect with them.

Minaj live-streamed her encounter with the police in Amsterdam, where she was informed of her arrest for alleged drug possession just hours before her scheduled show. She documented the search of her luggage and the unfolding events on social media.

After being released and fined by authorities in Amsterdam, Minaj reflected on the experience and shared her thoughts on social media. She also highlighted the arrest of singer Ari Lennox in the same city in 2021.

Minaj expressed her concerns about the treatment of individuals in similar situations and emphasized the importance of speaking out against injustice. Despite the ordeal, Minaj is determined to continue her tour and is scheduled to perform in Manchester on May 30.

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