Tessa Farrell Mourns the Loss of Johnny Wactor in Heartfelt Tribute
May 28 2024

Tessa Farrell, the ex-fiancée of actor Johnny Wactor, shared a heartfelt tribute to him in a tearful video just two days after his tragic death.

In a poignant TikTok video, Farrell expressed her sorrow over Wactor's untimely passing, addressing the perpetrator of the senseless act and urging them to reconsider their actions.

She emphasized the value of human life and called for unity within the community to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Farrell reminisced about her relationship with Wactor, describing it as "fiery" but highlighting their enduring friendship even after their engagement ended.

The devastating incident took place in the early hours of Saturday morning when Wactor was shot while trying to protect a co-worker from masked assailants outside a rooftop bar.

His talent agent, David Shaul, praised Wactor as not only a talented actor but also a moral exemplar to those around him.

Former colleagues from "General Hospital," where Wactor portrayed Brando Corbin, have also shared their grief over his passing on social media.

Sofia Mattson, who played Wactor's love interest on the show, expressed how knowing him had enriched her life and made her a better person.

As of now, no arrests have been made in connection with the tragic incident, leaving many still grappling with the loss of a beloved actor and friend.

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