Taylor Momsen's Bat Encounter: A Rock and Roll Moment
Jun 01 2024

Taylor Momsen, best known for her role in "Gossip Girl" and as the lead singer of The Pretty Reckless, had a truly unforgettable experience during her recent performance in Seville, Spain. While opening for legendary rock band AC/DC, Momsen found herself in a witchy moment when a bat decided to make an unexpected appearance.

During her performance of the band's song "Witches Burn," Momsen was bitten by a bat on her leg. In a video shared by the singer, she showcased her injuries and humorously referred to the incident as a "ROCK AND ROLL MOMENT."

As the crowd pointed out the bat clinging to her leg, Momsen initially seemed confused until she realized what was happening. Despite the unexpected interruption, she handled the situation with calmness and even joked, "I must really be a witch."

Reflecting on the incident, Momsen shared that the bat had flown onto her and clung to her leg, leading to the unexpected bite. She humorously mentioned that while the bat was cute, she would need to undergo rabies shots for the next two weeks as a precaution.

After receiving medical attention, Momsen expressed gratitude to the hospital staff who affectionately dubbed her "Batgirl" after the incident made local news headlines.

In a follow-up video, Momsen recounted the bizarre encounter with the bat, emphasizing the mix of fear and amusement she experienced. Despite the initial shock, she found humor in the situation and appreciated the concern shown by her fans, including singer Natasha Bedingfield.

As fans and followers expressed curiosity about the bite, Momsen reassured them that the bite itself wasn't painful, but the subsequent shots were definitely not a pleasant experience.

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