Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright Navigate Open Relationship Amid Separation
Jun 01 2024

Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright are facing a challenging time in their marriage as they navigate their separation. The couple, who recently denied dating rumors, are now open to the idea of possibly seeing other people as they work towards salvaging their relationship.

Addressing the situation on their podcast, "When Reality Hits," Taylor emphasized that he is not currently dating anyone and clarified that their separation has been ongoing for some time. He shared, "Marriage is not easy. We are trying to figure out a lot of different things: therapy, separation, and maybe, possibly, dating other people."

Taylor explained, "We are trying to exhaust everything before we have to go down the divorce road — if that would be the case." The couple has established some rules as they explore the idea of dating other people while being separated.

Both Taylor and Cartwright are in agreement about their current arrangement and prioritize their son, Cruz, as the most important aspect of their lives. Taylor revealed that Cartwright is also exploring her own path during this time.

Despite recent rumors linking Taylor to model Paige Woolen and an unidentified woman, Taylor clarified that he is not currently dating anyone and is not planning to do so in the near future. He expressed uncertainty about entering the dating scene again, stating, "I don't know if I am ready to start the dating thing again. We are just hanging out right now with whoever."

As they navigate their separation and explore the possibility of dating other people, Taylor and Cartwright are committed to working through their challenges and finding the best path forward for their relationship.

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