How Captain Lee Rosbach Maintains His Ripped Physique at 74
Jun 01 2024

At 74 years old, Captain Lee Rosbach continues to impress with his ripped physique, a result of his unwavering commitment to fitness and a balanced diet.

In a recent interview on Page Six’s “Virtual Reali-Tea” podcast, while promoting his new Oxygen series, “Deadly Waters with Captain Lee,” Rosbach shared insights into his fitness routine and diet habits.

Despite his dedication to staying in shape, Rosbach admits to having a weakness for certain foods, with his wife Mary Anne's chocolate pie being his ultimate indulgence.

While he enjoys his cheat treats, Rosbach ensures that he maintains a consistent workout schedule, targeting different muscle groups on specific days of the week.

“I have different days that I work different body parts. I have chest day, chest and arms. I’ll work a certain part of my arms,” he explains.

Even though he may not enjoy leg day, Rosbach emphasizes the importance of not neglecting his lower body in his workout routine.

When asked about the Hollywood trend of using Ozempic for weight loss, Rosbach remains firm in his commitment to natural methods of diet and exercise to maintain his physique.

Aside from his fitness regimen, Rosbach has also ventured into hosting “Deadly Waters,” a true-crime series that delves into crimes committed on the water.

Reflecting on his experience with the new series, Rosbach acknowledges the shift from his previous work on “Below Deck” and the responsibility of handling real-life stories with care.

“It’s pretty impactful stuff,” he shares about the upcoming premiere of “Deadly Waters with Captain Lee” on Oxygen.

With a blend of dedication to fitness, occasional indulgences, and a passion for storytelling, Captain Lee Rosbach continues to inspire with his commitment to health and wellness at 74.

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