Terri Irwin's Unwavering Love for Steve: Why She Chooses to Remain Single
Jun 01 2024

Terri Irwin, the widow of the legendary Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, recently shared with Us Weekly why she has no interest in dating anyone, even after 17 years since her husband's tragic death.

Reflecting on the unique bond she shared with Steve, Terri expressed, "While there are a lot of wonderful men in the world, can you see another Steve Irwin? I just can’t. I had the best marriage in the whole world for 14 years, and I’m very comfortable with the person I see in the mirror."

Terri, now 59, fondly recalls her "happily ever after" with Steve, during which they welcomed their children, Bindi and Robert. Despite the loss, she feels fortunate to have experienced such a deep connection and is at peace with being on her own.

Although Terri admits to feeling lonely for Steve, she emphasizes that she does not consider herself a lonely person in need of a partner. Her focus remains on cherishing the memories of her beloved husband and embracing her current life.

Since Steve's passing, Terri has embraced new roles, including that of a grandmother. Her daughter, Bindi, and son-in-law, Chandler Powell, welcomed their daughter, Grace, in March 2021, marking a new chapter in the Irwin family legacy.

Bindi, who has been open about her health struggles, recently shared her journey with endometriosis and the challenges she faced before welcoming her daughter. Meanwhile, Robert, the wildlife photographer, navigates his own path, having recently ended a relationship with Rorie Buckey, Heath Ledger's niece.

As the Irwin family continues to honor Steve's legacy through their conservation efforts and passion for wildlife, Terri remains steadfast in her love for her late husband, choosing to cherish the memories they shared rather than seek companionship elsewhere.

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