D.C. Young Fly Pays Tribute to Late Partner Jacky Oh on First Anniversary of Her Passing
Jun 02 2024

As the first anniversary of Jacklyn "Jacky Oh" Smith's passing approaches, D.C. Young Fly continues to mourn the loss of his beloved partner. The "Wild 'N Out" star took to Instagram to honor her memory, expressing his ongoing love and longing for her.

Reflecting on the past year without Jacky Oh, D.C. Young Fly shared his feelings of frustration and the importance of staying positive in the face of grief. "1 year already, s—t feel like yesterday!!! Being frustrated ain't gon work cause its gon make yu [sic] more frustrated… yu [sic] jus gotta keep GOD first and jus [sic] stay positive and not lose focus… cause this s—t will have u all over the place," he wrote, accompanied by the hashtag #NotAPostImTrynaGetUseTo.

Expressing his deep emotions, he added, "Jus [sic] wanna [sic] kiss yo dam [sic] face. I love u mama."

Jacky Oh tragically passed away at the age of 33 due to complications from plastic surgery, specifically a "gluteal augmentation" procedure in Miami. Her death was ruled as an accident by the local coroner, leaving D.C. Young Fly and their three children—Nova, Nala, and Prince Nehemiah—devastated.

In a recent interview, D.C. Young Fly opened up about coping with the loss of Jacky Oh and the impact on their family. "Everything [is] smooth, you know, we just stay prayed up. Keeping the energy right, and just knowing that everything is going to be all right, [as] long as you stay positive, and have an optimistic mindset—and just knowing that the energy is always with a higher power—you're going to be all right," he shared.

Acknowledging the void left by Jacky Oh's absence, he emphasized the importance of a mother's nurturing presence in the household. "Mothers are definitely needed in the household. A mother is a nurturing spirit, the father is a protector. You need nurturing spirits around at all times. So definitely a mother's needed," he expressed.

As he navigates parenting without Jacky Oh, D.C. Young Fly is learning to embrace his nurturing side for his children. "I can go out [and] fight, provide and protect. But when you go home, you have to have a soft side, because they are kids that you have to nurture, and make sure they're taken care of. But there is no feminine energy over here. You just got to learn how to speak to them, that's all," he shared.

Through his tribute and reflections, D.C. Young Fly continues to honor Jacky Oh's memory and legacy, keeping her spirit alive in the hearts of their family and fans.

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