‘I want to f–k’: Tiffany Haddish's Bold Encounter with Leonardo DiCaprio
Jun 08 2024

Tiffany Haddish shared a hilarious yet audacious encounter she had with Hollywood heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio during an interview on SiriusXM's "The Howard Stern Show." The 44-year-old comedian revealed her unconventional approach to the Oscar-winning actor, expressing her interest in a unique manner.

During the interview, Haddish disclosed, "I told him, 'I want to f--k, but only if you are your character out of 'What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.'" DiCaprio famously portrayed Arnie Grape, a character with special needs, in the 1993 film alongside Johnny Depp.

Howard Stern, taken aback by Haddish's bold statement, expressed disbelief, prompting laughter and amusement from his co-host, Robin Quivers, who jokingly remarked on DiCaprio's charm even in his role as Arnie.

Despite the playful banter, Haddish humorously admitted that she is still in the process of convincing DiCaprio to consider her proposition. Reflecting on DiCaprio's dating preferences, known for his penchant for younger partners, Haddish quipped, "I think I might be too old. I don't think I'm his type."

Currently navigating the dating scene, Haddish shared insights into her romantic life, revealing that she is single and juggling three potential suitors. Exploring her preferences, she described her ideal man as someone who is not only handsome but also shares her love for adventure.

Discussing her admiration for celebrities like Michael B. Jordan, Usher, Henry Cavill, and Brad Pitt, Haddish emphasized the importance of physical attraction while also highlighting the significance of shared interests and a zest for exploration.

Transitioning from celebrity crushes to real-life connections, Haddish humorously mentioned her recent acquisition of rock star Lenny Kravitz's phone number. Contemplating Kravitz's reported celibacy, she pondered the potential for a unique connection, teasing the idea of a match made in heaven.

With a touch of humor, Haddish, who identifies as Jewish, playfully speculated on the approval her ancestors would give to a potential liaison with Kravitz, known for his dual Jewish-Christian heritage.

Reflecting on past relationships, Haddish briefly touched on her previous romance with rapper Common, shedding light on their breakup and dispelling claims of mutual agreement, asserting that he ended the relationship over the phone.

As Haddish navigates the complexities of modern dating, her candid revelations and comedic charm continue to captivate audiences, showcasing a blend of humor, honesty, and a hint of romance in her journey to find love.

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