Courtney Stodden's Bold Move: Flushing Away the Past
Jun 12 2024

Courtney Stodden, known for her bold and unconventional actions, recently made headlines with a symbolic gesture of moving on from her past. The model, who had been engaged to Chris Sheng, decided to part ways with her five-carat engagement ring in a rather unconventional manner - by flushing it down the toilet.

In a video obtained by sources, Stodden is seen in her bathroom, holding the dazzling rock that once symbolized her engagement. With a determined expression, she remarks, "I'm just doing a little last-minute spring cleaning before summer," before making her way towards the toilet.

As she prepares to bid farewell to the ring, Stodden reflects, "I guess diamonds aren't always a girl's best friend after all." With a deep sigh, she watches the ring disappear down the drain, declaring, "Toodaloo, onto the next chapter."

The decision to part ways with the ring comes nearly a year after Stodden and Sheng called off their engagement. The couple, who had been together since 2017, decided to go their separate ways in July 2023 after two years of being engaged.

Sources close to the couple revealed that jealousy and insecurities played a significant role in their breakup, leading to a complete cut-off in communication between Stodden and Sheng. This marked the end of a chapter that had begun after Stodden's controversial marriage to Doug Hutchison at the age of 16.

Stodden's journey towards finding love again led her to Sheng, with whom she shared a three-year relationship before their split. Despite the challenges of opening up and trusting fully, Stodden expressed her hopes for healing and learning to love again in an interview with Us Weekly.

Reflecting on her past relationships and the symbolic act of flushing away the engagement ring, Stodden's actions speak volumes about her determination to let go of the past and embrace a new beginning. As she moves forward, Stodden's bold move serves as a reminder of the power of closure and the courage to step into a new chapter.

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