Travis Kelce's Kids' Choice Award Win Predicted by Jason Kelce Due to Taylor Swift Connection
Jun 12 2024

Travis Kelce's Kids' Choice Awards win is inevitable, according to his brother Jason Kelce. The retired Philadelphia Eagles player made a bold prediction on their "New Heights" podcast, foreseeing Travis triumphing in the favorite male sports star category. Jason humorously credited Travis' relationship with pop sensation Taylor Swift for this anticipated landslide victory.

Jason humorously remarked, "I mean, dude, if it's kids [voting], you're winning this by a landslide." He elaborated on the shift in his own fan demographic, noting that his encounters with fans have evolved since Travis' high-profile romance. Previously approached by "fat, hairy guys," Jason now finds himself engaging with "14-year-old little girls" who recognize him as Travis' brother linked to Taylor Swift.

Reflecting on this newfound attention, Jason quipped, "12-to-14-year-old little girls are like, ‘Oh my God, you’re the brother of Travis, dating Taylor Swift.’" He expressed unwavering confidence in Travis' Kids' Choice Awards win if children truly determine the outcome, playfully suggesting the award should be handed to Travis immediately.

Travis, nominated alongside prominent athletes like Patrick Mahomes and Cristiano Ronaldo, graciously acknowledged Jason's support. He pledged to continue influencing children positively, emphasizing his commitment to guiding young minds in the right direction.

Meanwhile, Taylor Swift, a six-time nominee herself, has been a significant presence in Travis' life since their public relationship began in September 2023.

Jason Kelce recently discussed the extraordinary fame surrounding Travis and Taylor during an interview on the "Whiskey Ginger" podcast with Andrew Santino. He highlighted the challenges of maintaining normalcy in their lives, acknowledging the unique circumstances that come with such high-profile relationships.

Jason and his wife, Kylie Kelce, encountered public scrutiny last month when they declined a fan's photo request in New Jersey, leading to a confrontation with the disgruntled individual, later identified as Andreé Goldberg. Kylie stood her ground, noting the presence of alcohol on the woman's breath during the heated exchange.

Married since April 2018, Jason and Kylie are parents to three daughters—Wyatt, Elliotte, and Bennett—navigating the complexities of fame and family life amidst the whirlwind of Travis and Taylor's romance.

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