Miley Cyrus Spills the Tea: Why She's Not BFFs with Celebs
Jun 13 2024

Miley Cyrus, the iconic singer, is breaking the mold when it comes to maintaining friendships with fellow celebrities. In a candid interview with David Letterman on his "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction" series, Cyrus revealed her unconventional approach to the celebrity scene.

Unlike many stars who thrive in the glitz and glamour of celebrity circles, Cyrus admitted that she doesn't actively engage in the typical Hollywood social scene. Reflecting on her Grammy win and performance in 2024, she expressed that being surrounded by other artists and entertainers doesn't feel like her natural habitat.

While Cyrus may not be mingling with the A-list crowd on a regular basis, she did highlight a few exceptions. One notable figure she mentioned was Beyoncé, with whom she shares a longstanding friendship. Their bond dates back to 2007 when they performed together on "Just Stand Up," a moment that left a lasting impression on Cyrus.

Recalling the star-studded event where she found herself sandwiched between Rihanna and Beyoncé, Cyrus humorously described feeling small and out of place next to these powerhouse women. Despite her insecurities, Beyoncé's kindness towards her left a lasting impact.

When discussing her friendship with Beyoncé today, Cyrus emphasized the importance of kindness and consistency. For her, it's not about the quantity of celebrity connections but the quality of relationships that truly matter.

Delving deeper into her personal life, Cyrus touched on her relationship with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus. Despite rumors of a rift between them, she praised her father for his grounded nature and connection to reality, traits she believes she inherited from him.

Reflecting on her upbringing, Cyrus acknowledged the privileges she had compared to her father's challenging childhood. She expressed gratitude for the love and comfort she experienced growing up, recognizing the stark differences in their respective upbringings.

As Cyrus navigates the complexities of fame and relationships in the spotlight, she remains true to her values of authenticity and genuine connections. While she may not be the life of the celebrity party, her focus on meaningful relationships over superficial interactions sets her apart in the entertainment industry.

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