Bijou Phillips Finds Love Again: New Romance with Jamie Mazur Sparks Interest
Jun 14 2024

Bijou Phillips, known for her roles in "Almost Famous," has recently been spotted in New York City's Central Park with her new flame, Jamie Mazur, just nine months after her divorce from Danny Masterson. The couple's public display of affection has sparked interest and raised eyebrows in the entertainment world.

Phillips and Mazur were seen casually dressed during their outing, with Phillips sporting a Stanford University T-shirt and Mazur opting for a laid-back white T-shirt and jeans ensemble. Their chemistry was evident as they strolled hand in hand, enjoying each other's company.

This public appearance comes on the heels of another sighting at the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Los Angeles, where the couple seemed comfortable and at ease in each other's presence. Sources reveal that Phillips and Mazur have known each other for years, having run in the same social circles and connected through mutual friends.

Phillips' previous marriage to Danny Masterson, who was convicted of rape in a high-profile case, ended after 12 years. Despite her past support for Masterson during his legal troubles, Phillips has moved on and embraced this new chapter in her life with Mazur.

While Mazur and Phillips' relationship is still in its early stages, the couple seems to be enjoying each other's company and exploring new beginnings together. Phillips, who shares a daughter with Masterson, has been focusing on her own well-being and building a positive environment for her child.

As Phillips navigates this new romance, she continues to prioritize her daughter's happiness and stability. Despite the challenges she has faced in recent years, Phillips remains resilient and optimistic about the future.

With her past behind her, Phillips is embracing love once again, finding solace and joy in her connection with Mazur. Their budding romance is a testament to Phillips' strength and determination to move forward, leaving the past where it belongs.

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