Meghan Markle's New Ventures: From Jam to Dog Biscuits, What's Next?
Jun 16 2024

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has once again captured the spotlight with her latest additions to the American Riviera Orchard brand. Nacho Figueras, a close friend of Markle's, took to Instagram Stories to unveil the newest product: a delectable raspberry flavored jam. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as this reveal coincided with the royal family's gathering for the prestigious Trooping the Colour parade.

But that's not all. Figueras also hinted at another surprising addition to Markle's repertoire – dog biscuits. Sharing adorable photos of his dog Nina Iggy next to a jar of treats, he teased fans with what's to come from the former royal's lifestyle brand.

Both the jam and dog biscuits sported the signature American Riviera Orchard packaging, featuring elegant cursive labels and charming ribbons to tie it all together.

The unveiling of these new products came just before the royal family's annual Trooping of the Colour parade in England. This year's event held special significance as it marked Kate Middleton's first public appearance since revealing her battle with cancer in March.

Despite her health struggles, Middleton, the honorary colonel of the Irish Guards, made a triumphant return at the parade. Dressed in a stunning white ensemble accented with a black and white bow, she watched the festivities from the Major General's Office alongside her husband, Prince William, and their three children – Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

As the royal family gathered for the customary balcony photo op at Buckingham Palace, one notable absence was Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. This marked the second year the couple was missing from the event following King Charles III's ascension to the throne.

Having stepped back from their senior royal roles in 2020, Harry and Markle were granted permission by Queen Elizabeth II to attend the 2022 Trooping the Colour parade. However, in a symbolic move, Prince Charles ordered the removal of their bios from the royal family's official website earlier in the year.

As Meghan Markle continues to expand her brand with innovative products like jam and dog biscuits, fans eagerly anticipate what surprises she has in store next. With Middleton's inspiring return and the royal family's evolving dynamics, the world watches with bated breath as these captivating narratives unfold.

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