Rachel Lindsay Calls Out Ex-Husband for Exaggerating Lavish Lifestyle in Divorce Drama
Jul 01 2024

Rachel Lindsay, known for her role in 'The Bachelorette,' is not holding back when it comes to her estranged husband, Bryan Abasolo. In a recent twist of events, Lindsay has come out swinging against Abasolo's portrayal of their supposedly luxurious lifestyle in their divorce proceedings.

In a bold and exclusive declaration obtained by Page Six, Lindsay refutes Abasolo's claims for spousal support and attorney's fees, making it clear that she is not the cash-rich individual he perceives her to be. Lindsay, at 39, asserts, "I am not swimming in money as he imagines. I simply cannot afford to shell out $75,000 for legal battles when my own financial situation is far from extravagant."

The former attorney discloses that she holds approximately $88,500 in non-retirement funds and highlights a significant shift in her financial circumstances over the past few years. Lindsay, currently co-hosting the 'Higher Learning' podcast with Van Lathan, emphasizes her primary income source from her work with Spotify since 2023.

Lindsay pulls back the curtain on their so-called glamorous lifestyle, contradicting Abasolo's depiction. She reveals that their marital standard of living was far from the extravagant image he paints, alleging that they spent minimal time together and rarely cohabitated during their brief marriage.

According to Lindsay, the couple, who legally tied the knot in October 2019 after a wedding ceremony in Cancún, agreed on a separation date of December 31, 2023. Abasolo, a 44-year-old chiropractor and podcast host, filed for divorce on January 2.

Setting the record straight, Lindsay discloses that throughout their marriage, they maintained separate bank accounts, credit cards, retirement funds, and brokerage accounts, with no joint financial assets. Notably, they did not enter into a prenuptial agreement.

Detailing their financial dynamics, Lindsay explains how they split household expenses from October 2019 to March 2021 before relocating to Los Angeles. Post their move, Lindsay took on housing costs, pet care expenses, and health insurance payments, while Abasolo contributed to gardening and housekeeping costs.

Their marital home in LA, purchased in February 2022, was funded from Lindsay's premarital separate property. Lindsay accuses Abasolo of residing in the house without contributing to its upkeep costs.

Addressing their travel escapades, Lindsay clarifies that their trips were either sponsored or self-funded, with a fair split in expenses. She highlights that Abasolo's portrayal of their travel experiences is misleading, often conflating pre-marriage trips with those taken during their union.

During their marriage, Lindsay recounts specific trips, such as a birthday getaway to Santa Barbara funded by Abasolo and work-related travels to Tennessee and New York. She emphasizes that their travels were not as extravagant as Abasolo suggests, with many costs subsidized by external sources.

Lindsay sheds light on their journey to Colombia for Abasolo's cousin's wedding, where each covered their expenses equally. She also mentions sponsored trips and clarifies that certain restaurants Abasolo referenced were not their regular haunts.

Dispelling misconceptions, Lindsay reveals the reality of their relationship, citing infrequent outings and minimal date nights due to their conflicting schedules. She paints a picture of a marriage far removed from the lavish lifestyle Abasolo portrays.

As the divorce drama unfolds, Rachel Lindsay's candid revelations challenge the exaggerated narrative of opulence, offering a raw and unfiltered perspective on their relationship dynamics and financial truths.

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