Margot Robbie Spills the Tea on Hollywood's Secrets
Jul 02 2024

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in Hollywood? Margot Robbie, the talented actress known for her roles in films like Wolf of Wall Street and Babylon, recently shared some juicy details that might just surprise you.

During a podcast appearance, Robbie dished out some insider information about the filming of raunchy nude scenes. She revealed the use of "merkins," which are essentially wigs for genitalia. Yes, you read that right! According to Robbie, there was even a whole room dedicated to these unique props during the filming of Wolf of Wall Street.

But the revelations didn't stop there. Robbie also shared some hilarious anecdotes from her time on set, including a mishap involving Leonardo DiCaprio's electric cigarette getting stuck in her "butt crack" during a sex scene. She humorously described filming such scenes as the "least romantic thing to shoot," highlighting the reality behind the glamour of Hollywood.

Robbie's candidness extended to her most recent film, Babylon, where she took on daring scenes involving drug use and even wrangling a rattlesnake. She didn't shy away from advising the director on toning down the portrayal of cocaine use, emphasizing the importance of responsible filmmaking.

Interestingly, Robbie also revealed that the pretend drugs used on set were often harmless substances like baby laxative, vitamin powder, or icing sugar. It goes to show that not everything you see on screen is as real as it seems!

Despite the glitz and glamor of Hollywood, Robbie's stories shed light on the less glamorous, yet fascinating, aspects of the film industry. From merkins to faux drugs, it's clear that there's more to movie-making than meets the eye.

So, the next time you watch a steamy scene or a drug-fueled drama on screen, remember Margot Robbie's behind-the-scenes revelations and see Hollywood in a whole new light.

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