Hilary Duff Feels 'Doomed' Over Son's Homework: 'I Stopped Going To 'Real' School In 3rd Grade'
Oct 21 2019
Hilary Duff has revealed a relatable parenthood challenge. The "Younger" star shared how surprisingly difficult her 7-year-old son Luca's homework is, telling Instagram followers that she feels "doomed" when trying to help. "I stopped going to 'real' school in 3rd grade," the former child star explained, captioning a cute selfie of her and Luca in the middle of a study session. "I am left scratching my head alll the time looking at his homework and I'm terrified for next year!" she added. The actress and singer is far from alone. Hilary also gushed over Luca's "spirit and kindness" and was met with a slew of supportive comments from fans.

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