Meghan Markle Doesn't 'Want People To Love Her' She Wants Them To 'Hear Her'
Nov 01 2019
Meghan Markle is speaking out. She recently chatted with the Telegraph's Bryony Gordon and the reporter had some interesting insights from their chat. Meghan "lives in the solution, not the problem," according to Bryony. "She told me that she didn't want people to love her she just wanted them to be able to hear her. I have found that this is what the Duchess of Sussex stands for: using her voice to help give one to people less privileged to her." Gordon was with Meghan as she visited Luminary Bakery, which the former "Suits" star shared a video of on Instagram. "Earlier this week the Duchess of Sussex visited the women of @luminarybakery as they celebrated the opening of their new location," the caption reads.

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