Celebs' Last Words That Shook Us To The Core
Nov 27 2019
Most people don't have the luxury of knowing when their last words will come. Whether prophetic or verbally asking for the cause of their own imminent death, here are some of the final words from celebrities that shook us to the core.

On June 25th, 2009, pop legend Michael Jackson died after receiving a reported "fatal cocktail of medications" at the age of 50, according to The Washington Post. The cocktail included a lethal dose of the anesthetic Propofol, dubbed "milk of amnesia," which is intended for use during surgery and was administered by Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, who was later charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Although six different prescription drugs were in Jackson's system at the time of his death, according to Murray, Propofol was allegedly the "Thriller" singer's favorite. During his trial, Murray's police interview was played for the jurors, in which he described Jackson begging for the drug during the final hours of his life. According to the Los Angeles Times, Murray said,

"At that time he said, 'Can I have some milk?' He said please, please, give him some milk. He said just make me sleep, doesn't matter what time I get up...He said I can't function if I can't sleep. I agreed at that time that I would switch...to the propofol."

Murray then stated he left Jackson for only a couple of minutes and found the musician not breathing when he returned.

Watch the video for more Celebs' Last Words That Shook Us To The Core.

#HeathLedger #Elvis #MichaelJackson

Michael Jackson | 0:11

Heath Ledger | 1:07

Chris Farley | 1:56

Princess Diana | 2:41

Elvis Presley | 3:24

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