Jumanji: The Next Level’s Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart Play 'Name the Review' | Rotten Tomatoes
Dec 10 2019
Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart reteam again in ‘Jumanji: The Next Level,’ the sequel to the long-in-the-making ‘Jumanji’ sequel/reboot that blew apart the box office at the tail end of 2017. As they get ready to face all sorts of new adventures and the constant threat of “Game Over,” Rotten Tomatoes offered the duo the chance to face their harshest critics in a special edition of our game, ‘Name the Review.’ We hand-picked a selection of excerpts from reviews of some of their best-known movies, and had each actor read the out loud for the other to guess the film being reviewed. What Kevin Hart movie was merely “tolerable”? And how much joy does Johnson get from telling him that? Watch now and find out.

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