Russell Simmons And 50 Cent Criticize Oprah Winfrey's #MeToo Documentary: 'It's So Troubling'
Dec 13 2019
Variety reported that Oprah Winfrey and Impact Partners are teaming up with filmmakers to create a documentary about "sexual assault in the music industry," and Russell Simmons and 50 Cent have some strong opinions about the new doc. "It's so troubling that you choose me to single out in your recent documentary. I have already admitted to being a playboy more (appropriately titled today "womanizer") sleeping with and putting myself in more compromising situations than almost any man I know," Russell said. Meanwhile, 50 Cent wrote on Instagram, "I don't understand why Oprah is going after black men. No Harvey Weinstein, No Epstein, just Michael Jackson and Russell Simmons this s--t is sad," he wrote.

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