Billy Ray Cyrus Praises Lil Nas X: 'His Mind Changed The Game Of Music Forever'
Jan 27 2020
Billy Ray Cyrus has nothing but praise for collaborator Lil Nas X! The pair chatted with Access Hollywood's Sibley Scoles at the 2020 Grammy Awards where the country music legend applauded the 20-year-old rapper following the success of "Old Town Road." Billy said, "I love him. I support him. I would go to the wall with this man because he's got a great heart, he's got a great mind. His mind changed the game of music forever. He took down a wall and opened a door for so many artists now that know if they can think it, they can do it." He also teased Lil Nas X's forthcoming new single, revealing, "It's just going to blow your mind!"

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