Why Meghan Markle And Prince Harry's JPMorgan Event Appearance Is 'Groundbreaking' (Report)
Feb 12 2020
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's post-royal life is reportedly off to a "groundbreaking" start! Following the couple's surprise appearance at a JPMorgan event in Miami earlier this month, an insider tells People why the move was a major change of pace from royal engagements. For starters? The celebrity-packed guest list! Meghan and Harry are said to have shared a table with Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez at the event, where the new dad got reportedly personal about how the trauma he experienced after his mother's death. Though a palace source could not confirm whether the couple was paid for their appearance, Harry is reportedly in talks with Goldman Sachs to serve as a guest speaker for their new interview series – another gig that's expected to be unpaid.

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