The Truth About Donald Trump Revealed
Mar 09 2020
Donald Trump is undoubtedly one of the most polarizing figures in recent American political memory. But no matter how you feel about this President, it's undeniable that the man has lived a grand and colorful life with many different chapters. Here are some things you may not know about Donald Trump.

Trump is one of the first celebrity-turned-presidents, in that before he took residence in the White House, he was famous for being a man-about-town in New York City, where he based his real estate tycoon operations. Trump also appeared in over a dozen movies and TV shows. Nearly every one of them marked a cameo appearance as "Himself."

While other stars like Paris Hilton would later appear in movies as a way to boost the film's potential popularity, Trump wasn't cast from a marketing standpoint. According to Matt Damon, a lot of those parts came at the property-owning future president's behest. Damon told The Hollywood Reporter what he learned on the set of Scent of a Woman, explaining,

"The deal was that if you wanted to shoot in one of his buildings, you had to write him a part. Donald Trump walks in, [...] you had to call him by name - and then he exits. You waste a little time so that you can get the permit, and then you can cut the scene out."

Or, as Trump's filmography proved, sometimes keep it in.

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#Trump #DonaldTrump #PresidentTrump

Starring Donald Trump | 0:17

No handshakes | 1:12

No drinks for Donald | 2:25

Boom, roasted | 3:37

Barron of industry | 5:00

Competing with Gwen | 6:00

Trump/Winfrey 2000? | 7:14

Baseball boy | 8:17

Check on it | 9:07

Traveling in style | 10:20

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