This Is What Happened To Drake From Drake & Josh
Mar 10 2020
Drake Bell skyrocketed to stardom on Nickelodeon's Drake & Josh, but like all live-action kids shows, the hit series had a shelf life. When the once-popular show wrapped, Bell faded from view. So where is this former Nick kid now? Here's what Drake Bell has been up to post-Drake & Josh.

Bell played a popular musician in Drake & Josh, and when the show got big, he became one in real life, too. His debut album Telegraph dropped in 2005 and was met with critical acclaim, with All Music describing his sound as "McCartney-esque."

Bell's sophomore effort, 2006's It's Only Time, received similar praise, but the wheels fell off for Bell shortly after the release of his long-awaited third record, 2014's rockabilly-inspired Ready Steady Go!. Bell was happy with the finished product, telling the San Diego Reader at the time,

"This record is exactly what I wanted my music to be from the beginning."

But it didn't go down quite as well with his fans. Ready Steady Go! peaked at Number 182 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, more than a hundred spots lower than his previous offering. Bell's new direction wasn't proving to be as popular, and things got even worse for the actor-musician when he suffered what doctors told him would likely be a career-ending injury.

In November 2014, Bell shattered his wrist diving into a swimming pool, and the prognosis was not good. He revealed on social media,

"Doctors say I will most likely never play guitar again. It's over."

Luckily, that turned out not to be true, but Bell was forced to take a lengthy break to recover, meaning his big musical comeback was over before it even really began.

Watch the video to see This Is What Happened To Drake From Drake & Josh

Career-threatening injury | 0:18

Becoming a superhero | 1:31

Filing for bankruptcy | 2:40

Controversial comments | 3:34

Bullying Bieber? | 4:40

Jail time | 5:48

On-stage meltdown | 6:48

Strictly Spanish | 7:38

No invite | 8:33

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