Car Crash Inspired My 211lb Weightloss | Brand New Me
Mar 13 2020
A FORMERLY obese man weighing over 400lbs has lost half his body weight - and now runs half marathons and competes in bodybuilding. At his heaviest Jordan Grahm, from LA, California, weighed in at 421lbs. Doctors told Jordan he was eating himself to death but he ignored the warnings, depressed and determined to keep eating, because of a tragedy early on in his life. Overweight since he was a little boy, by the time he was 13, Jordan estimates he was 100lbs bigger than everyone else his age. His mother would encourage Jordan to lose weight but she unexpectedly died in her sleep when Jordan was just 14. Angry with the injustice of his mother’s passing, Jordan’s depression propelled him to drugs, alcohol and food to numb his pain. He would go to the drive thru at least twice a day and consume 10,000 calories a day. If it hadn’t been for a major car crash at 3am one March morning, Jordan might have not been alive today. It was the wakeup call he needed to realise his life was worth living. In a year, he lost 100lbs. At his lowest, Jordan weighed 209lbs – losing half of his body weight. After undergoing excess skin removal surgery Jordan started bodybuilding and now weighs 250lbs.

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