I Used To Hide My Skin, Now I'm Modelling For Vogue | Shake My Beauty
Mar 16 2020
A YOUNG woman who was told by a stranger that she looked like she'd been "mauled by a gorilla" due to her rare skin condition has had the last laugh - by being invited to model for Vogue. University of St Andrews student Lucy Beall-Lott, 21, originally from Texas, has recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (EB), meaning any friction against her skin can cause it to shed, leaving painful blisters and wounds. Lucy's condition even affects brushing her teeth and eating, with scar tissue forming where food grazes her throat. As well as being a student, disability advocate and author, Lucy is also a model and recently got invited by Vogue Italia to feature in Fantabody’s “I AM THE WOMAN I AM” campaign. We follow Lucy as she spends time with her friends and boyfriend Douglas in Scotland preparing for the shoot, and then travels down to London to star in the Vogue Italia photoshoot.

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