This Is Why Fred Savage Doesn't Want To Act Anymore
Aug 23 2020
Fred Savage is one of the youngest Emmy nominees ever thanks to his starring role on The Wonder Years. But since that nostalgic dramedy signed off in 1993, he's had an inconsistent acting career. Let's find out why.

Being a child star can be both a blessing and a curse. One the one hand, actors who start early can make a fortune and establish themselves in Hollywood long before most of their colleagues get around to booking their first roles. But on the other hand, they can easily get pigeonholed, as casting directors and audiences alike forever associate them with the characters they played in their youth. And when they aren't kids anymore, it's difficult to make the jump to the world of grown-up roles.

This phenomenon may very well have hurt Fred Savage. A lot of people remember him as Kevin Arnold on The Wonder Years or as the grandson in The Princess Bride. With that picture so firmly in mind, it can be hard to buy him as a leading man in any other context. There are some child stars who have aged successfully into more mature projects, but the struggle has been real for Savage. Keep watching to learn Why Fred Savage Doesn't Want To Act Anymore!


Not a kid forever | 0:00

Busy behind the lens | 1:03

Big screen struggles | 2:05

Can't handle the Grind | 3:06

What's next? | 4:36

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